XF 2.1 Mobile advertising setup question


Well-known member
I have 2 questions related to an advertising position I want to use for mobile banner.
1) I modified the PAGE_CONTAINER template to move this ad position above the notice block, resulting in there is no gap between the banner and the notice block. I like to add like 10px to the bottom of the banner. How can I accomplish it?
		<xf:ad position="container_breadcrumb_top_above" />
		<xf:if is="$notices.block">
			<xf:macro template="notice_macros" name="notice_list" arg-type="block" arg-notices="{$notices.block}" />
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2) This ad position is for mobile and using Google dfp code, the banner will show on mobile devices as expected. However, XF will show an empty spot on desktop. Is there anyway to use condition so this ad position will only be active for certain screen breakpoint?
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