XF 2.2 Minimal example of how to extend Thread

Hi there.
I need a minimal example of how to setup a Listener.php and an event listener to extend the Thread class in XF\Pub\Controller.
That's because I want to iterate all posts on the first page of a Thread to manipulate the html output in every post.

Background info: I can do that via template modification, but it is very ineffective to iterate every post via my own functions and classes. And the showstopper ultimatively is that I am not able to get other return vars than string from <xf:set>
So I need to extend Thread and iterate over every post item myself before output. So what is the perfect listener and hint for that? I did that on a previous Version of XF, but in 2.2 this is very new to me and the example demo is a bit more than I need - I just need to manipulate posts directly before rendering them.

Thanks in advance!
The question doesn't make much sense to me, maybe you could explain exactly what you want to to.

<xf:set var="$bool" value="{{ true }}" />
<xf:set var="$int" value="{{ 1 }}" />
<xf:set var="$arr" value="{{ {"foo" : "bar", "int" : $int} }}" />
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