XF 1.2 Migrating Xenforo

So note to self. Moving an existing xenforo install to a new server is a pain in the ass if you don't do it right from the jump. Old Plugins, Customizations and what not do not migrate well and if you miss some files you will not be able to uninstall them, upgrade them or otherwise change things with out massive errors on the new setup.

Lesson learned REMOVING everything and trying again.

Sorry this is a vent nothing more.

I moved the database over not problem. Where I messed up was I opted to do a fresh install on xenforo and all the plugs. Instead of just moving all the old files to the new server and letting it access the moved over database. This worked fine for the main xenforo software and it was fully working. Then I ran into a problem. The addons/plugins I had installed on the old site. They still showed installed in the admin area. I opted to try and just update/grade them hoping to fix the issue. That didn't work. I tried to uninstall them and reinstall them. This only caused massive errors and have messed the site up. Lesson learned. I shouldn't try and cut corners.
The FAQ explains how to move an existing installation.

How can I move my installation to a different domain or host?
Backup the existing database and server files. Copy them to the new domain/server and update the library/config.php file with the new database details as required. It may be necessary to set permissions for the data and internal_data directories to world writeable (CHMOD 0777). Lastly, update the Board URL in the ACP -> Options -> Basic Board Information, if it has changed.
Note that if you are moving to a different type of web server and have Friendly URLs enabled, you will need to make the appropriate changes. Refer to the Friendly URLs section of the XenForo Manual for more details.

It's basically a backup + restore cross servers. Here is a detailed guide:


I use to do it like that but, I guess they no longer give ftp to root and now there is a Power Panel to do all of that.. Also, Now it is recommended to do transfers using WHM. Atleast that what my host is telling me.

Finally all my sites are back up...
Host said:
Ok, your sites are up and running now- eAccelerator was enabled, and it is incompatible with suphp, which was causing all the errors.
So note to self. Moving an existing xenforo install to a new server is a pain in the ass if you don't do it right from the jump. Old Plugins, Customizations and what not do not migrate well and if you miss some files you will not be able to uninstall them, upgrade them or otherwise change things with out massive errors on the new setup.
Lesson learned REMOVING everything and trying again.

If you have shell access then it's a simple matter of
cd /path/to/your/forum
zip -r myforum.zip ./
and then copy the ZIP file over to your new server and place in the root path for your new forum and issue a
unzip myforum.zip
and all the same files should now be there.
You would also need to make sure that you did a current dump of your DB and copied it over also.
I use the following for backing up the DB:
mysqldump -ucta -p --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables database_name > /path/to/backup/database_name_$(date +%d.%m.%y).sql

Then this for zipping it:
tar -czf database_name_$(date +%d.%m.%y).tar.gz /path/to/backup/database_name_$(date +%d.%m.%y).sql

And this for the server files:
tar -czf files_$(date +%d.%m.%y).tar.gz /path/to/forum/installation
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