Migrating from vbulletin - will VBSEO urls be preserved


New member
We have an old forum - about 8 years. We have VBSEO installed which rewrites URLs to be more SEO friendly. Will these URLs be preserved or is there some mechanism by which the old URLs would be permanent redirected to the new Xenforo Urls?
Ok, sroys, the beta is out now :D
Yeah but does the vB to xF importer support xF 2? You might have to go vB -> xF 1.5 then upgrade xF I think.

Plus I wouldn't recommend using xF 2 beta on a live 8 year old vB forum :X3: (I'd say go all in for a new one, but 8 year seems like it's large).
Ah, I just read that the importers are missing :/
I was pretty sure they planned to release them with beta ... well ...

You can still convert to Xenforo 1.5 > Xenforo 2

To be honest there is really no difference even though a conventional converter would be nice. That is, when an actual production ready version is released.
@sheel Perhaps you are correct - what I am building is more of a library so I prefer that conversations are self contained inside a post when it's about THAT post and doesn't leak elsewhere - like on page 3 where the discussion has gone a different direction. Perhaps a specific alteration is required for what I need. I would use discourse but I like the Xenforo UI better.

Regarding SO,SU,SV - you are right a lot of Indians seem to have taken over with a lot of "easy" questions - and sometimes the percentage of stupid people is baffling. It almost compares to the recent US presidential election. Perhaps a percentage of stupid is a global phenomenon.

But that said people always have a choice - Daniweb, Webmasterworld, expertsexchange (yes there are other reasons), sitepoint (which now uses discourse) have all given way to Facebook groups , Reddit, Google+ and SO which all use nested comments. Perhaps that says something and it should be considered by community software builders like @XenForo
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