MicroQuiz [Paid] [Deleted]

Just Uninstalled, and upon trying to re install, now get this in admincp

Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Duplicate entry 'microquiz' for key 'PRIMARY'

  1. Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 297
  2. Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php at line 479
  3. Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query() in MicroQuiz/Installer/install.php at line 161
  4. MicroQuiz_Installer_install->_installVersion5() in MicroQuiz/Installer/install.php at line 33
  5. MicroQuiz_Installer_install::install()
  6. call_user_func() in XenForo/Model/AddOn.php at line 215
  7. XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXml() in XenForo/Model/AddOn.php at line 169
  8. XenForo_Model_AddOn->installAddOnXmlFromFile() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/AddOn.php at line 187
  9. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionInstall() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
  10. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  11. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home2/********/public_html/admin.php at line 13

I even went in and dropped the micro quiz tables, and then tried to reinstall, and get the same error. The first upgrades all went flawlessly, but this latest update has taken a big dislike to me.

run this in the phpmysql
DELETE FROM xf_content_type_field WHERE content_type = 'microquiz';
DELETE FROM xf_content_type WHERE content_type = 'microquiz';

as these were not removed and thats why you are getting this error.

I have fixed this in the next release and will update the old releases as well.
That enable me to reinstate, so thanks,

Still unsure why I couldn't see any of the previously created quizzes in the admincp, even though then were showing on the site.

No biggie though, I shall have to re add them.
would not be removed by and plugin when uninstalled

would not be removed by and plugin when uninstalled

would not be removed by and plugin when uninstalled

First impression, not good.

Paid the extra to have branding free, first click on the Quiz tab, see this:
View attachment 84596
when you by other scripts or add-ons not all are done automatic they tell you how to remove the branding

View attachment 84598

If no quizzes, that should not appear IMO. Plus, obviously doesn't look styled correctly.

Will fix this so it will not show not a big problem

easy fix will be done

Not sure why if you select for a quiz to be only shown to a certain usergroup, you can still access it with others.

I created one, only accessible by Admin, yet, logged out, and still can access the quiz.
all usergroups can see quizzes but they would not be able to take the quiz

View attachment 84601

Visitors can't access the quiz, yet its showing 2 available to them. If they cannot access, it should be empty (not shown at all).

Also, that should be dismissible. If there are quizzes I don't want, or care to take, I shouldn't have to stare at that number forever. XMG and Showcase are two known examples of having that number dismissible.
can add an option easy to have this removed again not a big problem

now my say i have made an add-on that people have asked for its only been released a short while and there are going to be some problems.
i am feed up with some people that cannot appreciate the work thats gone into this over a short time.
every problem or request for something to be fixed or added has been done within a few days.

programmers like my self do not ask for a lot but when some people complain and insult the programmer its not nice.

i work full time and program in my spare time and i think i have done a very good job at making the changes and giving the support thats needed for any script.

also the ones that complain the most are the ones that want everything for free,
well if the programmers that made add-ons gave everything away for free and asked for donations they would not get nothing.

I work hard to give the support and make the changes as quickly as possible and that shows in the amount of updates that have been made over a short time.
oh and one more thing i don't think asking for $12 is a lot to pay for something that does this amount and works well just a few problems as all scripts have.
$12 is a very low price for this script and no one is forcing anyone to buy this.
this was requested so i made it and i think iv done a very good job of it so far.
$12 is far too much if it doesn't work properly...There are more bugs that need to be fixed Michael...I will do a video later to show
I can definitely see there's promise in this app Mike, and $12 was definitely worth paying for the development and bug squashing to continue!

That said, it's still a way off being installed on my production site. I'm sure you'll continue to work with your customers to get the quiz operating within acceptable parameters, and then gain more customers as a result. (y)
This addon is continually throwing a variety of errors:
Does it keep throwing errors for anyone else?
Just to make sure of any bugs i ran on both local and a test live site...dont waste your money with this addon untill someone can report all bugs fixed...just like all his other addons
just report all bug, make video to, i wait another update, if bug not be fixed i uninstall this plugin and wait stable version.
Is it any wonder that add-on makers are getting fewer and fewer , people just love to drag them down when an issue is not solved in an instant for them...

Personally I have bought a couple of Micheal's add-on's and the couple of bugs or issues I had Micheal solved within hours , via personal chat or on his SUPPORT forum... Micheal is only too glad to help IMHO..

By all means report bugs but is there really any need to destroy someone.. ?
Is it any wonder that add-on makers are getting fewer and fewer , people just love to drag them down when an issue is not solved in an instant for them...

Personally I have bought a couple of Micheal's add-on's and the couple of bugs or issues I had Micheal solved within hours , via personal chat or on his SUPPORT forum... Micheal is only too glad to help IMHO..

By all means report bugs but is there really any need to destroy someone.. ?
no one try destroy @Micheal people just want products who works, i agree with you about fast support and bug fixin, also i can blame only my self for buying plugin without lil research and wait to be stable.
No body is trying to destroy anyone, users have the right to know from other users if spending money with someone will give them what they need and what they pay for. I have listed bugs with Micheal and he fixed 1 of them but when he didn't fix all the others he just pulled all his addons, except for this one, just like what was done at vBulletin with MicroCart, Micro this and that when they were there, leaving all the customers that had paid good money with nothing.

I am ALL FOR this addon, MicroClassifieds, MicroCart etc to be completed and useable as they are all addons that many of us could do with and I for one would be extremely willing to pay money for them but only if they were useable.
If my memory serves me Micheal did not own MicroCart over at vBulletin , a lady who went by the name MicroHellas ( or similar ) did and had to give up due to ill health....
If my memory serves me Micheal did not own MicroCart over at vBulletin , a lady who went by the name MicroHellas ( or similar ) did and had to give up due to ill health....
There is a lot more history than just that mate over even several more years that what you have mentioned plus even more recent as well

People just want addons to work especially if they have paid for them...it is not personal so hopefully Micheal will now put his head down and fix the bugs because we all need him to
There is a lot more history than just that mate over even several more years that what you have mentioned plus even more recent as well

People just want addons to work especially if they have paid for them...it is not personal so hopefully Micheal will now put his head down and fix the bugs because we all need him to
yap i want plugin who works, honestly i never got such a big problems with any plugin here like this one
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