XF 2.0 Message multiple users


Active member
Dear community!

I'm trying to send a conversation to multiple users. At the moment, i can only notify a single member or the members of a certain group for "User criteria".
However, I would like to use this tool to notify two specific users, e.g. only user1 and user45, except which group they are currently in. Is this possible, if so, how?

Kind regards
You could create an internal non-visible group with no additional rights just to apply the group criteria. Sounds dirty, probably is dirty, but I can't come up with something better.
If you are only going to message 2 users, couldn't you just send a conversation from the front end instead?

I admit it does seem odd that you can only specify a single user name in Message Users in the ACP when you can send them to multiple users (comma separated) from the forums itself.
How is it possible that we cannot select multiple users to email or message?!?
I've got like 150 out of 17,000 users that I need to send an email to.
Gave up on that and tried messages but it's got the same single-user limitation.
This seems very short-sighted functionality.

The usergroup thing works as a workaround but is undesirable.
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