XF 2.0 Members are getting errors that their 2FA is incorrect


Via both Google Auth and email, members are being told their 2FA codes are incorrect. I read that server time being off could cause this so we installed NTP but the issues persist. What other problems can cause 2FA codes to be incorrect?

Thank you.
Whilst you may have installed NTP, are you sure that it is syncing (ie the port required for this is open) and that your server time is indeed correct? Someone else with this issue had inadvertently blocked the required port.

So do check this and make sure that
  • Time / date and timezone on your server is correct
  • Time / date and timezone on your authenticator device (e.g. smartphone) is correct
Thank you for the response. We've double and triple checked the date and firewall settings on the server and they are ok. We've had more than a dozen people report issues with 2FA as their 30 days expire.
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