XF 2.0 Member Profile Privacy Settings


Active member
Where do we change the settings to stop allowing members from making their profile's private?

Thank you.
You can't - it's up to members who they permit to view their profile.
Unfortunately, that won't work for us, because people are setting it that way by mistake, then wondering why nobody can see their posts, pictures that they specifically posted for help, and they are leaving. Plus our Mods say they can't access the profile either, which means they could be doing something against violations, like illegal trading, etc. How do we work around this for now and is it something you folks might consider adding to the next release?
As suggested above, and you can set moderators with the override user privacy permission.
That's great, as it solves half of our issue. Thank you.

However it's still not helping the members who are currently confused and upset about it.

What are your thoughts?
Perhaps this:

Then just tell them you do not allow the privacy options.
Easier said than done brother. You can post that in the registration text and in the posting guidelines, but most people don't read them and many people will wonder why there is an option for it, if it doesn't work. This creates a rabbit hole for not only the members, but the staff as well. For these reasons, we like to remove stuff like that to avoid further confusion for anyone, if considering editing code. We prefer stating our case for Xenforo to assess, hopefully making the change properly in a future update. :)
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