Media inside deleted category albums remain accessible by direct URL


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Affected version
If you have an album in a category, both the album and the media will have category_id populated.

If you delete the album, the media inside is still accessible if you know the URL. I'm assuming that despite being in a category, if the containing album is deleted it wouldn't be desired to still view the media.

if ($this->category_id && $this->Category)
    $canView = $this->Category->canView($error);
else if ($this->album_id && $this->Album)
    $canView = $this->Album->canView($error);

should maybe be:

if ($this->category_id && $this->Category)
    $canView = $this->Category->canView($error);
if ($canView && $this->album_id && $this->Album)
    $canView = $this->Album->canView($error);

Or maybe cleaning it up some other way. Either way it needs to also check Album->canView as right now it's just going by the category permissions. The category is also an album category, so doesn't have media directly inside it.
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