MG 2.0 Media Gallery Metadata Block


Active member

wondering, how to disable the metadata-block in media view. There are much privat informations and not anyone should see them. Searched in permission settings and config settings but nothing found to disable this block.


  • media_metadata.webp
    69 KB · Views: 57
Hallelujah! I swear, sometimes the simplest things take so much time to find... This is what I wanted, thanks for this.

Long live the <xf:comment> tag!

Oh, wait... now metadata shows on some but not others. Do I need to rebuild something?

Arrrgh... can't get rid of it. I see it in some views, but not others. Where else do I look? Can I do something with the xfmg_media_view_macros template?
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Did you deactivate comments, globally or per usergroup, on media ?
If so in xfmg_media_view template you have to comment/remove this part of code (around line 339) :
<xf:sidebar key="exifSidebar">
    <xf:macro template="xfmg_media_view_macros" name="exif_sidebar" arg-mediaItem="{$mediaItem}" />
I wish I were sophisticated enough to be able to understand the question so I could answer it! Here is what I do not want to see:

It displays to the right of the image. I see absolutely no reason for users to be able to see this, this is just supposed to be a gallery of photos, like an art museum. I don't know why anyone would care about this information in this context, and I don't want it displayed.

This should be a simple configuration item, but it isn't. So if someone can tell me where to look and what to do (I'll look at the above reply and report back soon) to bounce this, that would be appreciated. And please explain to me like I'm in the first grade and don't know all my letters, yet.
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