Making Sidebar Blocks And Main Content Blocks Square


I've been trying to make my main content block and sidebar blocks square, but the borders either don't make corners and disappear, or the corner isn't filled up. I can't find how to change the radius at the bottom of the sidebar blocks either, this is what it looks like:
Help would be appreciated.
Haven't tested this but have you tried this in extra.css template

.sidebar .section .primaryContent h3, .sidebar .section .secondaryContent h3 {
    border-top-left-radius: 6px;
    border-top-right-radius: 6px;
Have a link to a board or could you PC me the link, it'd be easy to debug it then. Its problably the secondary box that have the radius on them cutting the corners off.
.sidebar .primaryContent, .sidebar .secondaryContent {
border-radius: 0px !important;
Thank you, I have an absolutely horrible eye for finding what I need to change...
Would you know how to make the page square when looking at the list of threads in a forum as well?

Also do you use chrome or firefox? Chrome has a built in editor to find this stuff quick, and firefox I use FireBug to find it :)

Also do you use chrome or firefox? Chrome has a built in editor to find this stuff quick, and firefox I use FireBug to find it :)
Thanks. I'm using chrome, but I really don't know where to look, the CSS on the page confuses me quite a bit, and I don't understand how it matches up some of the time.
EDIT: Err, what exactly do I put in extra.css to change the .sectionMain bit to square? I tried
.sectionMain {
border-radius: 0px !important;
But nothing changed.
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