XF 1.5 Making node icons clickable


Well-known member
Couldn't find anything on search for this which is odd as I would have thought this was a common request especially to make life easier on mobile... I'd like to make the node icons clickable and link to that forum.

I would guess I need to look at node_forum_level_2?

And this part of the code:

<span class="nodeIcon" title="{xen:if $forum.hasNew, '{xen:phrase unread_messages}', ''}"></span>

What's the best/tidiest way to make or wrap this in a link to that forum?
Thanks Brogan, I saw that but was put off by "unmaintained" and would rather do it myself by a template edit, assuming it's possible (unless you mean to look at the add-on and see what changes it makes?).
Good call on this @Brogan - the add-one was actually just an xml file showing some find and replace operations on the template above, easy to follow and do this. I now have clickable node icons, so much nicer on mobile where they take up a significantly bigger part of the screen and invite you to press them!
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