Make the ability to change "Resources" to "Downloads" or similar easier


Well-known member
As it is now there is no easy way to change the "Resource" manager path or phrases.

It appears the path is currently hard coded, so even if the phrases change the path has no ability to change without custom development.

It would also require you to individually change hundreds of phrases to switch to another name for resources. There has to be an easier way.
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After changing over a hundred phrases and barely putting a dent in all the phrases that should be changed I have concluded there is definitely room for improvement here on XenForo's side. Expecting me to look through and possible change hundreds of phrases is not practical.

When doing a search for phrases with "resource" you only get the first 300, so there is not an easy way to even locate them all.


Here were the route filters I needed:
@Brogan I was able to get almost all routes changed over easily except for a search query reference - "search/?type=resource"

Is there anyway to mask the query reference?

Also is there anyway to change the "resources" breadcrumb?

The Resources nav tab also appears to be hard coded to "Resources" Which requires deleting and recreating the tab and all links beneath it because navigation ids must be unique. How will this be affected on updates?
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After changing over a hundred phrases and barely putting a dent in all the phrases that should be changed I have concluded there is definitely room for improvement here on XenForo's side. Expecting me to look through and possible change hundreds of phrases is not practical.
Yeah, it's not a straightforward task but unfortunately I somewhat fear that this will be the only option for the forseeable future.

One might think that this could be accomplished by using a variable (instead of hardcoded terms resource / resources), but that would most likely create issues for translations (at least for German I am almost 100% sure it wouldn't work out nicely).

@Brogan I was able to get almost all routes changed over easily except for a search query reference - "search/?type=resource"

Is there anyway to mask the query reference?
Not without custom code.
But really - who cares about a parameter name? Most user wouldn't even notice this.

Also is there anyway to change the "resources" breadcrumb?
Should be phrase xfrm_resources

The Resources nav tab also appears to be hard coded to "Resources"
Phrase nav.xfrm, no need to change navigation at all.
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One might think that this could be accomplished by using a variable (instead of hardcoded terms resource / resources), but that would most likely create issues for translations (at least for German I am almost 100% sure it wouldn't work out nicely).
^ That.

A variable for route names and other commonly used words would be great but there are definitely languages where it wouldn't work and then it just becomes a huge issue which is potentially insurmountable.
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