Make notices full-width, above sidebar


Well-known member
Currently, notices only take up the left column of the homepage due to the sidebar taking up space on the right. I'd like my notices to display across the width of the page, above the sidebar, keeping the forum list and sidebar below them. Is this possible, and if so, what do I need to edit? :)

Rough image:
Edit the PAGE_CONTAINER template and move this block of code:
<xen:hook name="page_container_notices">
<xen:include template="notices" />                     

Above this line:
<xen:if is="{$sidebar}">
Thanks; that worked! I also moved the top breadcrumb above the notices, so my next question: can I move the search bar next to the breadcrumb, like in the mock-up below?
You could always have a sidebar toggle Kurt. Not really what you requested but it's an alternative if your looking at other alternatives.
I'd like the notices to be full-width regardless of the state of the sidebar, but that's a possibility I'll keep in mind as well. :)
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