Looking for theme that allows 2 column index page with widget sidebar


Well-known member
Hi - all. I'm a bit out of touch so looking for some pointers please. I've 2 forums running on XF1.5 & it's past time to bring them up to date on XF2.2.

On XF1.5 our theme is a slightly modified version of one of the defaults. I used the [Rellect] Nodes Grid & [bd) Widget Framework to achieve a 2 column view for the index page with a widget sidebar.

I want to achieve a similar look on the updated forums. Can anyone recommend a theme or add-on that will allow me to do this? Hopefully with a link to see it in action. I think Themehouse's UI.X may be able to be set up like this but the demo doesn't allow me into the ACP.

As a non-coder I managed to achieve want I wanted on XF1 via the ACP & adding a couple of add-ons in about an hour. I've had a quote of $1000-$2000 to achieve the same in XF2 so would rather try & manage that myself & save my budget for some add-on development I need.

Screenshot (forums also linked in sig)
Aye - & it was per site! Even though I use the same theme on both with just a different colour in the header. 2 licences for ongoing use I can understand.

I'll check those add-ons out. Thankyou.
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