Looking for someone to create font awesome thread prefixes for us


Active member

I'm looking for someone to create a few custom thread prefixes for us consisting of font awesome icons. It's very likely we will need the font awesome pro package since it has the sports we need so it would need to work with that somehow (probably needs to be hosted on our server due to licensing requirements, etc.). We're open to using other glyphs that have to do with sports, however, if it makes it easier (we're using PixelEdit's Edge XF1.5 style which uses Font Awesome).

This would just be for a handful of sports (i.e. basketball, baseball, etc.) where we can use thread prefixes to designate that sport. Obviously we'll need the relevant CSS to insert into extras.css and the code for each prefix, etc.

I realize it's relatively easy to do but I'm swamped as it is and need to delegate. : )

Feel free to ask any questions for clarification.

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Searching for "ball" throws out only a soccer ball.
@Solari: Not sure where you're struggeling and I don't have FA pro, so just a rough walkthrough with a free-to-use icon lib:
  • Get this: https://github.com/jamesadevine/sportsfont
  • Upload the contents to your server, e.g. /style/sportsfont/
  • Go to helper_js_global template and add <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style/sportsfont/css/sports.css" /> right after the first line
  • Add a prefix, check the custom css field, add for example icon-soccer, adjust permissions etc.
That's it. Should be pretty much the same with FA pro, I think.
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