Looking for Mike Edge contact info as I'm selling my site


Active member
Good Morning All,

I've recently entered into the final phases of selling my site and the new buyers want the whole thing lock stock and barrel. Unfortunately my existing host (Mike Edge) has gone MIA and isn't responding to any of my attempts to communicate in order to get him to unlock the cPanel or provide me the access needed to WS FTP in as my password information seems to have changed.

I've reached out to Choopla as I think they are the underlying host and, due to the dollar amount of the sale, have considered consulting a lawyer but before I spend the money tracking him down I thought I would reach out here first to see if anyone has any direct methods of contacting him. Nobody wants any legal messy stuff ya know?

Michael CS
Thanks @New Joe

I'm trying to find out who the underlying host is that hosts my site to see if they will provide access for me so I can download the entire database and site and provide it ot the new owners!
I tried to help a member on here get their files and DB back. The information they had was wrong, and the server hosting their site at the time wasn't even running cPanel (appeared to be centminmod / nginx based). The servers hostname I was asked to check doesn't even resolve any more, so who knows what's happening now with the hosting that was being offered.
(Mike Edge) has gone MIA and isn't responding to any of my attempts to communicate
Mike Edge responded within minutes to my inbox about your situation and said that he was going to shoot you an email (that was on July 31st). If he hasn't contacted you by now, he either doesn't have your correct contact information OR is refusing to contact you for what ever reason. If you want to inbox me your contact information, I can pass that along to Mike in hopes that he might actually contact you to get this resolved.
Thank you all to the above to have assisted in facilitating comms. Chances are Mike doesn't have my new contact information so I'll pass that along @Bob
I am looking for Mike Edge too.
@Bob @MichaelCS any idea where to find him?
I messaged him on FB using the link above and I have been sending him emails which he used to reply from.

He took off at the end of 2019 for his own personal adventure. Our site lost 5 years of data, hours of information created by our members to help the missing. Stay away from him! He promised for TWO YEARS to give us access to do an offsite back up after he removed our CPanel and it was all smoke and mirrors.
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