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Long Tail Search Cloud - US$300 Donation

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Anthony Parsons

Well-known member
I will gladly donate US$300 to the successful coder who can build a similar mod as what seoforums released for VB, http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=234192, for xenforo, and function optimally, ie. it can't be a poorly written mod that drags down xenforo software.

It must do similar to what is already offered by the version found on their website / vbulletin free version... I would hope even done better by the coder who takes this on, considering you have a far better core to build upon. I believe the only difference between the free and paid is the branding notice.

It must be public here and supported... for everyone to use, obviously launched and fault found by members who choose to use it. I will gladly then donate the above to the person who achieves this... being a stable version.
I haven't asked him... no. If he comes here and shows interest in XF, and picks this up... then sure, if he can produce this for XF it would be great. I found though that he is quite terrible at supporting his products, as his original has had issues for a long time now, and only just recently did he fix some of the major issues. I would honestly prefer someone who is interested in really supporting their product, not just ignoring customers for a year and then provide the essential fixes, as he has done.
Did you ask MOGmartin ? I would think he might be interested. You can contact him at SEOforums.org

I'm a paying customer with MOGmartin, and far from impressed. The product works fine enough, but support on it is just plain crap.

Threads asking questions on his forum are locked, or remain unanswered. No mail replies, and I have yet to figure out where I can find an updated version of his product for 4.0.8. Apparently I am not the only one either, judging by comments on his site.

I'll happily pay for an XF add-on that does the same, and I'd be more than willing to also pay for an add-on that offers the same thing for MediaWiki :)
Yer... I also bought his gold version, which did the job, but there was zero support, which is why I don't want someone like him building mods here... terrible waste of space to build a poorly developed, working product, and take more than a year to fix some basics in it. I ended up recoding his VB one myself so that the ACP keyword lists and such didn't break or have to scroll for miles, putting it all into organised lists.

Much prefer someone like DI to build it.

If your happy to add cash to my offer... please do, as that can only assist developers to build it that much faster.
I'll add 50 USD to the existing fund. I'll leave the option open for adding more than that if the coder adds the ability to import the stuff from martin's mod, so whatever was picked up will not be lost in the process of conversion.
if the coder adds the ability to import the stuff from martin's mod
Not sure that will work well, as your pages will change with the new forum.

If you import directly and use the url redirector, then each page will near instantly pickup all the same keyword terms again within days, then the rest as someone uses it.

I do see merit in that though... just not sure if its really achievable, because your also talking about having to match thread id's, etc... could get ugly and a lot of excessive work.
A couple of questions:

- What search engines besides the obvious Google would need to be supported to begin with?
- What pages should the cloud be displayed on, or everywhere?
I'll add 50 USD to the existing fund. I'll leave the option open for adding more than that if the coder adds the ability to import the stuff from martin's mod, so whatever was picked up will not be lost in the process of conversion.

How much are we talking for an importer? (Considering it means cross-referencing thread ids etc. as Anthony said, so it's easier said than done)
I would suggest to focus on Google, Bing and Yahoo for now :)

As for the importer, if it is too much effort, then leave it out. It'll probably fill itself again in no time. I figured the importer could reuse the mechanism used by the XF imorter to deal with threadiss, etc. It'd be nice, but if it means having to perform a lot of additional work, then I'll happily do without :)
A couple of questions:

- What search engines besides the obvious Google would need to be supported to begin with?
- What pages should the cloud be displayed on, or everywhere?
Sorry DI... I hadn't ticked to watch this thread. Stupid me. Have now though.

Yep... Google, Bing & Yahoo are the major one's, and lets face it, 90% + is from Google.

They should appear only on content specific pages, ie. homepage, category, forum, thread and I guess pages that reside in the node tree. I would think all should be selectable as on or off... not sure, will leave those technical specifics to you.

I know the VB version only appears on primary content pages, being homepage, forum display and thread display.

I think as XF expands into products, as long as it can also expand into those products.
Just thought of something. In the vB version, I have not yet figured out how to implement this on custom pages, and Martin failed to reply to my question how to accomplish this. If this will be possible in the XF version, that'd rock :)
MogMartin is useless, to be perfectly honest. I would actually be surprised if he develops the mods himself or if he has someone doing it for him, and claiming them as his own... as he doesn't respond to any type of technical issue, which any coder could quickly do so.
Just thought of something. In the vB version, I have not yet figured out how to implement this on custom pages, and Martin failed to reply to my question how to accomplish this. If this will be possible in the XF version, that'd rock :)

The way I'm currently planning on implementing it would allow it to work on absolutely any page/mod in XF :)
Does anyone has any number showing this mod is actually working for their site? i.e it improves SEO enough to warrant adding more stuff to your site?
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