XF 1.3 Login form on xenforo's header


I really love Quora's header, I personally feel it helps encourage new users to sign up.

Does anyone know how should I go about adding a login form on xenforo's header? Like the one Quora has:

2014-06-29 02.57.08 pm.webp

A simple form that just have
-remember me
-forget password
-login button

without the "Do you already have an account?" line

Please does anyone know how to pull this off? Thanks!
You can edit this template to change the content of that form (ie remove unwanted language):

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> login_bar_form

If you want the form to be immediately visible without having to click then you probably want to move up to this template which contains the "login handle" that you normally click:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> login_bar

From that point it's a matter of HTML and CSS to achieve what you want. There are considerations like external auth (facebook, twitter, etc) which are normally contained in login_bar_form.
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