Duplicate Log Slow Queries in XF


Well-known member
It would be very beneficial if admins could be alerted of slow queries. Because this would make admins and therefore addon developers much more aware of software problems that would otherwise stay under the radar. And similarly if normal queries take too long then there is likely a hosting problem to solve.
This is especially important with the weight Google gives to site speed when it comes to Ranking of sites.

MySQL has a Slow Query log: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/slow-query-log.html
This can likely be used for this purpose.

I suggest to:
  1. Have an admincp setting of how many ms a query should exceed to trigger an error report.
  2. When the run time is exceeded, then add a server error to the log.
  3. In the report list the query, stack trace.
  4. State that the long run time may be caused by server performance or by slow queries.
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