It's really a funny story, we swapped out VB3 to XF about 2 years ago, maybe a little more.
We had been sitting on the fence with everything that had been going on at the time... well anyway...
The first comment about the alerts system was that we should rename 'Alert' to something else since it seemed to make some people panic that something was wrong. We quickly explained that alerts weren't a bad thing and explained about how to manage settings.
Most popular items in XF that are used the most:
- Member Tagging
- Selective Quotes
- Multi-Quote (the design of XF's implementation)
- Drag/Drop Images (hot feature)
- Private message system is much more heavily used in XF than it ever was in VB.
- Comments from members that know vB vs. XF -- XF's mobile responsive design is much more user friendly and workable.
- Thread prefixes are heavily used (color, variety) - Easy to group a set of threads together and one click can show all threads with same prefix.
- 2FA is also quite popular, surprisingly.
- Users also comment about how the site feels 'modern' and 'snappy' - probably a combination of server config + XF's design and code base.
- Auto-Complete/Suggestions for places where member's name input is needed (i.e. making a new private message) (Is this in VB or not? I haven't even looked...)
That's the summary of most of the feedback I get from the users. Our indirect competitors are on VB4, which has been heavily modified and I suppose they are stuck there for awhile. We have members that use both, but most have said they prefer the functionality and feel of our site.