XF 2.1 Links from Microsoft's Turkey Site are Scrambled

Recep Baltaş

Well-known member
I really think this problem is related to Microsoft's Turkey website's lack of UTF-8 support but I wanted to have your opinion too.

This is the result when XenForo fetches a link's title from Microsoft Turkey website:


It should actually say: Windows 8.1 Disk Görüntüsü (ISO Dosyası) İndir

But letters like ö, ü, ı and İ are scrambled.

You can find the thread here: https://www.technopat.net/sosyal/konu/windows-10dan-8-1e-nasil-gecilir.729160/post-4348385

I have reported this issue to Microsoft. How can I describe the issue better?

IMHO this is a bug in XF metadata handling as it does not behave like a HTML5 compliant browser.

@Recep Baltaş
You might want to try the attached Add-on


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