John Walton
Some of our users post linked images (rather than uploading the image). They all worked fine prior to XF 2.x now they are no longer working.
I can paste the link into a browser tab and the image loads but it won't display in a post on the forum. It seems XF doesn't like something with the link. More details are in this post on our forum:
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I can paste the link into a browser tab and the image loads but it won't display in a post on the forum. It seems XF doesn't like something with the link. More details are in this post on our forum:
Posting pictures here on HT
We've gotten some feedback that links to images got broken last fall when we upgraded to the new Xenforo. Specifically @yoderjac is having some trouble and I imagine he's not the only one. I haven't been able to figure out what is broken sand I'm not comfortable posting information from a PM...
Any suggestions would be appreciated.