Limiting discussion view widgets


Active member
So I currently have my articles section turned into the appropriate node type, and realized how it would make for a REALLY good cms. However' setting the nodes to show for discussion view stuff affects every node. If there was a way I could limit what nodes those widgets appeared on, the articles section could make a good homepage. Not sure if this is the right place for it' but if anyone could make a mod for this, I'd appreciate it, or if it exists, a link.
This is the condition to show a widget in a single node:
$xf.reply.containerKey == 'node-2'

This is the condition to not show a widget in a single node:
$xf.reply.containerKey != 'node-2'

This is the condition to show a widget in multiple nodes:
in_array({$xf.reply.containerKey}, ['node-2', 'node-3'])

This is the condition to not show a widget in multiple nodes:
!in_array({$xf.reply.containerKey}, ['node-2', 'node-3'])
If there was a way I could limit what nodes those widgets appeared on
You can use the Display condition field to limit where a widget is displayed.

This for example will only show a widget in the node with an ID of 1.
$xf.reply.containerKey == 'node-2'
This is the condition to show a widget in a single node:
$xf.reply.containerKey == 'node-2'

This is the condition to not show a widget in a single node:
$xf.reply.containerKey != 'node-2'

This is the condition to show a widget in multiple nodes:
in_array({$xf.reply.containerKey}, ['node-2', 'node-3'])

This is the condition to not show a widget in multiple nodes:
!in_array({$xf.reply.containerKey}, ['node-2', 'node-3'])
Need to place a widget here or above
But can't find the right position.

Forum view: Sidebar is working
but there is not placement for : Forum view : above content for ex or thread view : above content

2021-03-05 15_05_54-L'atelier ASUS _ études de cas _ L'atelier ASUS.png
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