Limit Who's Online to display only registered users

Limit Who's Online to display only registered users


in memoriam 1991-2020
King Kovifor submitted a new resource:

Limit Who's Online to display only registered users - Removes guests from the Who's online view

This stems from the following thread:

Remove Guests from Who's Online List
If you want to just show members and their activity, there is a simple 1-line edit you can do to remove guests from your "Who's online" page (/index.php?online)

We'll be working in the file:

Find (line 24 in v1.1.4):
$conditions = array(...

Read more about this resource...
Is there any way to show Guests and registered to everyone and guests, registered and bots only to a specified usergroup
Thanks. I think an option like that would be quite popular. I doubt most users want to see the bots clogging up the users online lists.
This is meant for the 1.1 series, the code changed and you can now link directly to the members only listing.
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