Add-on limit user group content


Active member
hello I was wondering if it was possible to create a plugin like resource download limit but however dedicated to the content of a post. Let me explain. If I create a site with 400 guides many of them very useful, would there be a possibility to insert a button as a spoiler ? that encloses the guide or the content but user group X see max 3 secrete guides, then that content put under a premium spoiler while group Y (premium paid user example) see the whole thing without problems ? would it be feasible ?
hello I was wondering if it was possible to create a plugin like resource download limit but however dedicated to the content of a post. Let me explain. If I create a site with 400 guides many of them very useful, would there be a possibility to insert a button as a spoiler ? that encloses the guide or the content but user group X see max 3 secrete guides, then that content put under a premium spoiler while group Y (premium paid user example) see the whole thing without problems ? would it be feasible ?
Checkout this addon:

You can easily achieve using this!

hello yes i had seen that plugin but it doesn't limit to number of visits, but to complete groups: reactions, user group etc, i needed to limit in number of view and not total content. this plugin supports Hidden text by specific reaction, i can just create a button (see content and limit it to 3 for basic users) then then they will be forced to upgrade to visulize other Hide content. i could easily solve for free like this. Or with resource download limit put the guides under pdf and make maximum 3 downloads for basic user groups and infinite for premium (which is my current choice that I'm considering
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