Limit number of emails sent per hour / email throttling

These days with anti spam measures it's a must have in fact. I'm a hoster myself and we limit the outgoing emails at 500 per email address. Per day!
Exceptions can be made, but we are not eager to do this as these days also birthday messages get reported as spam. Unbelievable that people don't even like a birthday message, but this do gets servers into those dynamic blacklists with hotmail. Which is not nice for other customers on the servers.
Also lots of mails per minute to the same provider, like hotmail and gmail can get you on their grey or blacklist.

I also remember there were limitations for that in vBulletin, so I'm going to convert to Xen (from IPB) in januari and +1 for this.
Just a must have theyse days.
My posting was deleted. It was called "bumping".

mmmmhhhh.... Posting something in a thread is bumping. What is going on here?

Deleting user comments does neither help you nor will the need or desire for this feature will go away by this. I run around 30 Xenforo forums. I know what I am talking about.

There are not many options to get sleepers back and grow the interaction with our users. Sending emails is basically by far the best option for this.

If webhosters get every year more aggressive with blacklisting, you should think about a solution to help your customers not to get blacklisted.

This is not bumping. This is a discussion abou pro and cons for this feature-suggestion.

If you do not like these discussions, change the rules and allow only polls instead of discussion threads.
Is there seriously no email throttling function built into XenForo by now?

no, still not existing. Although it is a no brainer that this is really needed to avoid getting blacklisted.

I just do not understand where the priorities in the development are.

It is nice to have additional features every few months, but we have to make sure, that the basics of running a community forum are really covered and thought through.

This feature request is not cosmetic. It is really essential in surviving for admins. Especially for small forums with no budget for expensive paid mailing lists.
My host is limited to 100 e-mails per hour. This suggestion is important to me.

This suggestion was repeated again and again since 2010.

After 14 years, I do not think that the decision makers are willing to implement this feature. They might wait until the competition offers it and then introduce it two years later ;)

(yes, this is meant sarcastic - unfortunately)
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