Let’s see your forums that launched in 2018!

Started in April 2018. (78 members | 708 threads | 6,000+ messages)

A small general discussion site, run by myself and a friend. The site is mainly for a group of friends who don't really bother too much about social media sites and wanted somewhere to chat about current news, TV shows and films, video games, sports, beauty, cooking etc (everyday things). It doubles up for a place for me to learn about coding, layouts and CSS techniques.

We used a "slightly" modified version of Themehouse's UI.X 2 Dark theme (there is also an alternative light theme)

We don't advertise anywhere other than a thread on here and one on TAZ but anyone is welcome to sign up and most people who have become members usually enjoy the relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
I want to stay anonymous.

This is how it looks for me since 1st August of 2018:


I am also making more and more connections to my very small niche. Last week I got a message from an academician for her doctoral thesis. She had some questions about my site and she would like to mention us in her thesis. Also the other members of the council for her thesis are using my site as a source.

Of course compared to commercial platforms or compared to big niche, these numbers are small. Say, if you are in the gaming niche, you have potentially 1 billion people to reach. So, say you reached 1 million people, than you would have reached 0.1% of your target audience.
Say, if I reached 100 people but my target audience is only 10 000 people, I would have reached 1%. It would make me more successful relatively. Of course 1 million reached people would be very huge aswell. So one should be aware of the balance between target audience and the numbers.

I am in a very small niche targeting professionals, academicians and highly educated people, so I will never get huge numbers and I don't plan to. I am very happy about my success so far also considering I do it as a non-profit platform. I have big changes coming soon aswell, making the life for my audience much easier as well as laying the groundwork for more and better content.
I think our SynoForum.com is becoming more and more successful. Well, at least in our eyes :)

Started on 5th April 2019 we have over 6,653 posts and 513 members. We have a strong knowledgeable user base for our niche. Activity and visits are growing rapidly. We hope for the best.
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Any successful newer 2018-2019 forums that haven’t been posted yet?
Of course! Check out the meteoric rise of Webwide. 1K + members in less than a month after launch!

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