XF 2.2 LCP issue: longer than 2.5s (mobile)


Active member
Suddenly in Google Search Console I am getting this error. Is there some quick fix for this? It's fine on desktop.
There is no quick fix (as far as some setting you can toggle). LCP is simply the amount of time your site is taking to render. Remove things that are slow like giant images or unnecessary JavaScript.

If it’s just for mobile, maybe you are serving up unnecessarily large images for mobile users?

Hard to say when no one knows what your site is (no one can look at it for you).
There is no quick fix (as far as some setting you can toggle). LCP is simply the amount of time your site is taking to render. Remove things that are slow like giant images or unnecessary JavaScript.

If it’s just for mobile, maybe you are serving up unnecessarily large images for mobile users?

Hard to say when no one knows what your site is (no one can look at it for you).
Maybe remove Google Analytics? I started using that plugin from Digital Point, and I'm a little bit suspect that is what caused it.
Individually small things add up. Analytics, images, CSS, advertisements especially tend to be slow.

More important the LCP though is if the site feels fast for users. That’s the most important thing.
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