• This forum has been archived. New threads and replies may not be made. All add-ons/resources that are active should be migrated to the Resource Manager. See this thread for more information.

Last Posts


The Addon add a Last Postings Box to your sidebar. This is Beta Software! Next Updates comming soon.

Next Update:

Version 1.1
User Permissions
max title length in box
max posting length in box

Version 1.2
add Top Posters
add Last Threads


Step 1

Upload the contents of "upload" to your XF library directory "root/library"

Step 2

Import the XML product through your Admin CP
Admin CP > Home > Install Add-On > Select 'addon_LastPosts.xml'

Step 3

Find your "forum_list" template to include the new sidebar item

Admin CP > Appearance > Templates > Search for forum_list > Click forum_list to edit it

Search the template and find:


Right above it add:
<xen:include template="last_posts"></xen:include>

You can find the German Version of this Addon on:


Pictures coming later. Please click "Like"

Note this is Beta Software: it doesn't check post viewing permissions at this point.


  • LastPosts ENG.zip
    LastPosts ENG.zip
    4.3 KB · Views: 177
  • Bildschirmfoto 2010-11-12 um 16.24.00.webp
    Bildschirmfoto 2010-11-12 um 16.24.00.webp
    21.1 KB · Views: 279
  • Bildschirmfoto 2010-11-12 um 16.24.45.webp
    Bildschirmfoto 2010-11-12 um 16.24.45.webp
    17.6 KB · Views: 183
  • Bildschirmfoto 2010-11-12 um 16.25.26.webp
    Bildschirmfoto 2010-11-12 um 16.25.26.webp
    7.7 KB · Views: 135
Do you check the user permissions?*g*
I couldn't find anything in the code.

This can be very dangerous if you have private categories;)
Thould you use tabb menu or accordian menu to pack the last threads, last posts and top posters?
This would be nice if we could also place this above the forums, like latest posts....
(Dies würde besser gewesen wenn wir auch die möglichkeit gehabt hätten dies über die foren zu zeigen. Vielleicht in zwei oder drei Blöcke untereinander. )

it shows bbcode which makes it look ugly

clicking on the link returns me to the main page. the link is redirecting to the index page :S

using beta3
Permissions are absolutely necessary and so is that BBCode displaying issue. Can't wait for the next version(s) :)
Another great mod
sugg. Version 1.2
  • top poster in x day (i really need this please)
  • poll option
thanx a lot
+1 on the BBCode.
Also may want to limit the number of words displayed in each post.
And maybe list the forum name.

Nice start! Thanks.
Would also be nice to have word trim in there, at the moment it seems to pull the whole thread and display it.
Whoops, didn't read no permissions and a member saw something they shouldn't have. This should definitely be updated before anyone uses it lol. :P
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