XF 2.0 Last Post on Forum Home is Old, Not Updating / Possible Cache Issue


Active member
On my forum home, the "last post" shown for each forum is old. Sometimes very old. The actual latest post is not showing for any of my forums.

Example on forum home:


Example of the actual last post inside this forum:


There are several hundred posts between the one shown on forum home as the last post, and the actual most recent post.

Any ideas how I can troubleshoot this?

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As far as I know there aren't any cron issues. How do I check daily statistics?
On the admin page: <url>/admin.php?stats/

The reason I ask is that the 'last post not up to date' sounded like behavior some people are seeing where XF cron jobs aren't running properly and not updating daily stats, sending email notifications, building new sitemaps, etc., etc.
On the admin page: <url>/admin.php?stats/

The reason I ask is that the 'last post not up to date' sounded like behavior some people are seeing where XF cron jobs aren't running properly and not updating daily stats, sending email notifications, building new sitemaps, etc., etc.

Thanks. It looks like the statistics are correct for previous days, but for the current day they show 0 for posts/likes when there is actually activity.

I checked in Tools -> Cron Entries and I see the tasks all scheduled to run, but it doesn't seem to have any log of previous cron tasks running. It only shows the next scheduled run time.
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