XF 1.2 Last Activity


Well-known member
On your profile, there's X was last seen: Date at Time, or X was last seen: Date if it's been a week or more, and then there's a Last Activity section in the profile sidebar that just has the time.

I'd be interested in doing this, if possible:
Rephrase X was last seen to Last Activity and remove Last Activity from the profile sidebar

I already know how to rephrase stuff. It's just a matter of removing the profile sidebar's Last Activity.

Thanks in advance!
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Use xen:comment instead.
It won't even be rendered then.

Seems to be showing just fine under my name, but will do.

Like this?

<xen:comment><dl><dt>{xen:phrase last_activity}:</dt>

                        <dd><xen:datetime time="$user.effective_last_activity" /></dd></dl></xen:comment>
View the page source and it won't be visible, unlike using html commenting.

Got it.

When I used <!-- --> (I'm used to commenting out on vBulletin), I saw it in the page source; when I went with your <xen:comment></xen:comment>, it didn't just as you said. :)

When you said "it won't even be rendered," I misunderstood. Thought you meant the <!-- --> would hide it under my name, too, which wasn't what I wanted.

Thanks, Brogan!

@Jeremy A thanks to you, too.

End result: http://i.imgur.com/3he861V.png
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