Lack of interest Larger Images, Default Description in Open Graph Metadata

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Well-known member
Currently, a small image is displayed in the og:image meta tag. This prevents Facebook from displaying their largest feature image size when XFMG media are shared on the social network. I have changed my templates to reference the full-size image URL, as it is for the twitter:image:src Twitter card meta tag.

Additionally, if there is no image description defined, Facebook's crawler will grab the following bit of text to display in the news feed, which is kind of awkward.

Screen Shot 2015-05-26 at 12.53.54 AM.webp

It would probably be better to include a default og:description if the user hasn't entered one on their photo.
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I think there's also a version for XF1.5.x

I think there's also a version for XF1.5.x
Thanks, but this is for threads and not for XFMG.

Hard to believe, isn't it?

If people actually understood what this was — and how it could help drive traffic to their forums via social media posts — the demand would be significant.

Yep, really strange..

What you changed in templates to reference the full-size image URL ?
What you changed in templates to reference the full-size image URL ?
Look for this line in the open_graph_meta template (XF 1.x only — I don't know what's going on in XF 2.x):

<meta property="og:image:url" content="{xen:helper fullurl, @ogLogoPath, 1}" />

Set the "content" attribute to whatever image you want to use, globally. Unfortunately this image needs to be set dynamically to actually be useful, but it's better than the default.
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