Keeping within the licence for test versions


Well-known member
I've just bought XF and am new to all this.

Once I've set it up on my domain and it's open to the public, I will also want test versions to try things like upgrades, new plug-ins, backup functionality, general testing etc and when I'm happy with the results, apply them to the production version.

I've read the license agreement and it looks like these scenarios will keep me within it, but I'd like to double check here. Are these scenarios allowed?

1. A test version on my domain sitting alongside the production version, eg and It will always be offline to the public so that only I can see it and there won't be any links to it, either. It might periodically get removed and rebuilt, as necessary.

2. A test version installed locally on my home PC with no access possible by the public as I'm behind a firewall.

3. Removal of version number from all public pages to make it that little bit harder for hackers to target it while keeping the XF name and all other copyright details intact. Is it allowed without paying the $300 branding removal fee and if so, how would I go about doing it?
You can have test and development installations as long as they are password protected and only available to your site staff , or on localhost.

3. Removal of version number from all public pages to make it that little bit harder for hackers to target it while keeping the XF name and all other copyright details intact. Is it allowed without paying the $300 branding removal fee and if so, how would I go about doing it?
That is not necessary - the version is only available in the ACP or install path.
Doing this will prevent access to that:
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