Just wanted to commend the built in SEO of xenforo.

Did you migrate an existing community or is this a new site? Ive noticed Google like to gives new sites good listings.. Although not usually the first spot,.. My forum went from #2 to about #5 on Google's first page using generic search terms.. But the software speaks for its self and new visits are climbing daily.. Odd but going from 2 to 5 hasnt hurt any, if anything im getting more traffic then ever.
This project, new site from scratch. But Im making posts like a fiend with relevant titles and google is placing me real nice!

Im going to migrate my vB3.8 site once we get user albums with another license. That site has 50,000 members. Are you saying google doesnt play as nice when migrating posts over to xF?
Are you saying google doesnt play as nice when migrating posts over to xF?

Not at all.. I knew the software could and would speak for itself.. The drop in google was all on me.. I was lazy and didnt bother with any redirects so i had to wait for google to re index my site.. But on the bright side it only took a month to get back on track.. Unfortunately im still stuck as the fifth result searching Doberman Forum. But my traffic is better then ever in three years.. No complaints..
edit: interesting part of this is i used to have a CMS, blogs Albums, chatroom, vBseo, etc, etc.. loosing those didnt hurt me in the least. the ease of uploading images in posts has made the need for albums obsolete. the only thing my members really want back is their chatroom..
Thanks for the heads up. I didnt do that years ago (redirects) when I went from phpbb to vB... so Im definitely going to do it this time around for my main site (#1 on google for over 10 years) so Im not losing that rank. lol
in case you didn't read my post, ill ask again
can i have some keywords ranking better than old competitors so i can do my research

Right now, let me solidify my position before I get a bunch of other xF owners jumping up on the same page on google and threaten my ad revenue. (no offence, Im just paranoid like that lol)
I asked for keywords because tbh and with all due respect, unless you are working on a very tiny niche the following statement is quite unbelievable
Its phenomenal. It takes only a couple of days for my posts to be #1 on google against a long standing competing website that has been online since 2004. (They're using phpbb) lol
I asked for keywords because tbh and with all due respect, unless you are working on a very tiny niche the following statement is quite unbelievable

I had a feeling that was where you were coming from. Im prepared to give the info to mike or kier, keywords and they can confirm for you my claim. Is that enough for you? If so, have them contact me and I'll do that for you.
What I am surprised to see is that my site(uber small 18 members...)
if you search the term
"Programmer's Castle" my site is listed #1(it is not even all about programming roflcopter :p

another one is Administrator's Fort(we are at the bottom of the list)
I am loving the SEO, they are categories on my site but they are not even our most active ;)
The reason why you're getting ranked on the first page #1 of Google is because those keywords don't have much competition,

My forum using XenForo is currently on the 10th page of Google, for the search term, "Webmaster Forum" ( forum index ) , 2nd page, for "XenForo" . ( thread )

Try it out : http://www.iwebbuddy.com/webmaster-tools/search-engine-position.php - Website is "iWebBuddy.com" ,

Much more keywords are being indexed on high pages of Google, as well.
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