Java 0-day found in the wild.

To disbale Java in your browser:

In Firefox: Press Firefox button -> Add-ons, go to Plugins and click the "Disable" button next to anything named "Java".
In Chrome: Type in: "chrome://plugins/" into the address bar (no speech marks). Scroll down to Java and click disable.
In Opera: Type in "opera: plugins" into the address bar (no speech marks or space). Scroll down to:
  • Java(TM) Platform <click on> Disable.
  • Java Deployment Toolkit <click on> Disable.
In Internet Explorer: Go to Tools -> Manage add-ons -> Toolbars and Extensions. At the bottom, show: All add-ons. Find anything under Sun Microsystems or named "Java"/"Deployment Toolkit" and right-click -> Disable it.
Okay - I'm a little confused - my Java version says "Java Deployment Toolkit -"Is this part of the 1.7 series the article speaks of? Thanks.

Okay - I'm a little confused - my Java version says "Java Deployment Toolkit -"Is this part of the 1.7 series the article speaks of? Thanks.

Yes, and it's out of date too. The current release is Java Deployment Toolkit -
In Norway most banks use a common (java) platform for log in to their online bank solutions. It seems this vulnerabillity has hit that solution hard, and now the banks are going public saying the consumers have to be responsible and update their java software.... My take is a bit different though....
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