[ITD] Add All Posts & Threads by User in Member Card II

[ITD] Add All Posts & Threads by User in Member Card II 2.1.4

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Mian Shahid

Well-known member
Mian Shahid submitted a new resource:

[ITD] Add All Posts & Threads by User in Member Card II - This Add-on will add All posts Threads of a member in Member's Menu Card

This Add-on will add "Find all posts" and "Find all started threads" of a member, in Member's Menu Card.




  1. Un-Zip the attachment.
  2. Log in to your "ACP" and go to "Install Add-on" page.
  3. Select the Unzipped XML file and click the...

Read more about this resource...
For me it works in 2.2.
Had only to adjust the template modifications since I use a 3. party style.
Right, I use several, and it wasn't working on the ones I checked when I last had the addon enabled. Can you tell me what the template modifications were? TIA
This depends on the style you use.
Look at the original modification than look at the template of your style if there is a different between the default and your style.

I am not a pro.
I just use trial and error.
Alright, I'll try to sort it out at some point, after trying to sort all the other addon related issues. :) Thanks
How you make this?
I edit the template modification for member_tooltip that came with this addon to suit my needs for the style i use.
I use a UI.X style.

Rich (BB code):
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
                        <div class="memberTooltip-blurb">
                            <dl class="pairs pairs--inline">
                                <dt>{{ phrase('last_seen') }}</dt>
                                <dd dir="auto">
                                    <xf:contentcheck><xf:useractivity user="$user" class="pairs--plainLabel" /></xf:contentcheck>

Rich (BB code):
<xf:if contentcheck="true">
                    <div class="memberTooltip-blurb">
                        <dl class="pairs pairs--inline">
                            <dt>{{ phrase('last_seen') }}</dt>
                            <dd dir="auto">
                                <xf:contentcheck><xf:useractivity user="$user" class="pairs--plainLabel" /></xf:contentcheck>
                    <div class="memberTooltip-blurb">
                    <a href="{{ link('search/member', null, {'user_id': $user.user_id}) }}" rel="nofollow" class="menu-linkRow">{{ phrase('itd_find_all_posts_by_x', {'name': $user.username}) }}</a>
                    <a href="{{ link('search/member', null, {'user_id': $user.user_id, 'content': 'thread'}) }}" rel="nofollow" class="menu-linkRow">{{ phrase('find_all_threads_by_x', {'name': $user.username}) }}</a>

Might look at your style different.
Now it works. I also had to change "find".

                    <xf:if contentcheck="true">
                        <div class="memberTooltip-blurb">
                            <dl class="pairs pairs--inline">
                                <dt>{{ phrase('last_seen') }}</dt>
                                <dd dir="auto">
                                    <xf:contentcheck><xf:useractivity user="$user" class="pairs--plainLabel" /></xf:contentcheck>

                    <xf:if contentcheck="true">
                       <div class="memberTooltip-blurb">
                            <dl class="pairs pairs--inline">
                                   <dt>{{ phrase('last_seen') }}</dt>
                                <dd dir="auto">
                                    <xf:contentcheck><xf:useractivity user="$user" class="pairs--plainLabel" /></xf:contentcheck>
<div class="memberTooltip-blurb">
    <a href="{{ link('search/member', null, {'user_id': $user.user_id}) }}" rel="nofollow" class="menu-linkRow">{{ phrase('itd_find_all_posts_by_x', {'name': $user.username}) }}</a>
    <a href="{{ link('search/member', null, {'user_id': $user.user_id, 'content': 'thread'}) }}" rel="nofollow" class="menu-linkRow">{{ phrase('find_all_threads_by_x', {'name': $user.username}) }}</a>
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