XF 1.1 Issues in threads under IE


Well-known member
Using the theme flexile, i am facing some issues under IE 9.
FYI, i tried a new fresh Style and desactivate all the addon, but pb remains.
Could it be a JS problem ?

Problem occurs in Threads :
The user info block, after the first message is CSS messed up (please see attached screen)


As a result ? > the edition box does not appear.
(when desactivating Post Rating addon, the edition box is back)

When pressing a button (edition, upload a file etc), systems returns this message :
The controler XenForo_ControllerPublic_InlineMod_Post does not define an action named Index.

The FF web console shows this error :

[02:45:51,092] TypeError: c.page_info is undefined @ http://dtym7iokkjlif.cloudfront.net/assets/pub/shareaholic.js:293
[02:46:06,702] The use of « getAttributeNode() » is too old.  Use « getAttribute() » instead. @ http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/www/js/jquery/jquery-1.5.2.min.js:16
[02:46:06,702] The use of attribute « nodeValue » of an anttribute is too old. Use « value »instead . @ http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/www/js/jquery/jquery-1.5.2.min.js:16

The IE web console those errors :

SEC7115: Some visible links styles may have a different color. Some styles have not been applied to the link.
XenForo editor ctrl_message, [object Object]
PageNav [object Object]
Journal : Emulating placeholder behaviour for [object Object]
Journal : Emulating placeholder behaviour for [object Object]
Journal : Emulating placeholder behaviour for [object Object]
flash url: http://www.forum-des-portables-asus.fr/www/js/swfupload/Flash/swfupload.swf
Attachments changed, total files: 0, images: 0
XenForo.init() 179ms. jQuery 1.5.2/1.2.6-dev
SCRIPT5009: « dark_postrating_minimum_opacity » is undefinied
postrating.js?&_v=bba17b4a, Ligne 24 Caractère 3
The "fb-root" div has not been created, auto-creating
SCRIPT5: Access refused.
shareaholic.js, Ligne 133 Caractère 1
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get the property value « init » : object null or not definied
shareaholic.js, Ligne 291 Caractère 374
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get the property value  « init » : object null or not definied
shareaholic.js, Ligne 291 Caractère 374
HTML1115: Balise META compatible X-UA ('IE=edge, chrome=1') ignored because of a document mode already finalized.
SCRIPT5007: Unable to get the property value   « init » : object null or not definied
shareaholic.js, Ligne 291 Caractère 374

When displaying page source code, here are the js called files :


    var _gaq = [['_setAccount', 'UA-15503536-1'], ['_trackPageview']];
    !function(d, t)
        var g = d.createElement(t),
            s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];   
        g.async = true;
        g.src = ('https:' == d.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
        s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
    (document, 'script');
        <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js"></script>   
        <script>if (!window.jQuery) { document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery-1.5.2.min.js"><\/scr'+'ipt>'); }</script>
    <script src="js/xenforo/xenforo.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/xenforo/discussion.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/dark/postrating.js?&_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/xenforo/inline_mod.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/sedo/tinyquattro/tinymce/tinymce.min.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/sedo/quoteme/quoteme.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/bdTagMe/tinymce_plugin.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/xenforo/attachment_editor.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/Tinhte/XenTag/frontend.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/sedo/toggleme/toggleME.js?1359247214&_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/gritter/jquery.gritter.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/gritter/notifications.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>
    <script src="js/bdTagMe/frontend.js?_v=bba17b4a"></script>

Any way to fix those issues?

Thank you for your help
Last edited:
Problem is solved by updating to IE 10
Under IE 9, lot of issues !

Problem isn't solved as XP users are stuck with IE8. And as much as everyone derides the use of IE, there are many who continue to use it and for one reason or another, will not use another browser.
Haha, how can you display this popup at the entrance of the site ?

Actually, XenForo has a feature built in that when User Browser < IE 8, a notice will be shown to tell them that it's better to update.

You could just change "< IE 8" to "< IE 10" and there's a standard error message :)
Problem isn't solved as XP users are stuck with IE8. And as much as everyone derides the use of IE, there are many who continue to use it and for one reason or another, will not use another browser.
Ayup. Due to the hardheadedness at my wife's place of employment their payroll timesheet system (which is web based via their secure portal) ONLY works with IE (and it doesn't like the newer IE's that well either). The guy that coded it "can't be troubled to update it".
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