XF 1.5 is there somewhere an official installed version of XF 1.5.x ?


Well-known member
I would like to view the official generic version of XF-version 1.5.x

Could XenForo.com please install the latest version of XF 1.5.x somewhere on their servers, so that it is possible to view the XF-1 version ?

When working on my website-design and CSS, it is always very helpful to view the generic version.
With the release of XF 2.0, there is unfortunately no official installation of the newest XF 1.5.x anywhere to be found.
You would need to set up your own test installation either on your server or locally.

If you want to view the default style however, just create a new style and make in inactive so only administrators can select it.
yeah, I know that.

But still, it would be great if there would be an official XF-1 installation here at xenforo.com including the latest content.

Would it be possible for you guys to have 2 installations here at xenforo.com ?
- 1 installation on XF 2.0
- 1 installation of XF 1.5.x

I think this would help a lot of people....
I think it would be also great to see and view both versions.

For example:
now I can not even have a look how the "Ressource-Manager Version XF 1.x" looks like, without buying the software.
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