XF 2.2 Is there a way to check from within a template if this is a specific widget, with an if statement?


Active member
I want to make some modifications to a widget template (move some lines around), but don't want the changes to take place on all of the same widget,
but rather on 1 specific widget.

Is there a way to do it?
I was trying to make an if statement but couldn't figure out what variable to write, as it isn't available from within the widget template...

I want to make some modifications to a widget template (move some lines around), but don't want the changes to take place on all of the same widget,
but rather on 1 specific widget.

Is there a way to do it?
I was trying to make an if statement but couldn't figure out what variable to write, as it isn't available from within the widget template...

You probably found your solution, but in case someone else needs it, it's actually quite simple.

<xf:if is="$widget.id == XX">
    Do something

Replace XX with your widget ID number
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