XF 1.5 Is there a way to change unread read icon globally?

I want to change the read and unread icon globally. Can I do that - I sure hope so as I have more than 60 nodes and have made some custom 40x40 pngs for my site? Any help would be welcome..

I am sorry but I am new to this and I do not see where to change it. Can I just rename the png files I made and upload them to write over these files forum-unread.png and forum-read.png. I want these to be globally replaced. Do I have to do this one node at a time. I hope not I created over 60 nodes. Please be specific as I am new at this and therefore a dummy at it. Where exactly do I go and what do I need to do.

Below is what I want to replace..
Thx Brogan for reply

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