XF 2.0 Is there a way to allow HTML under avatars?

I was wondering if there was a way for users to add their own HTML under avatars? Like they could set their own ranks such as “Battle Master” and change it to whatever color they want?
You can actually do this with custom fields.
Add a Rich Text Box and call it Custom Title or whatever you want.
Set a Maximum Length (like 100 characters)
Styling and line breaks will be possible but the character length will make sure it won't get crazy.
Then, go to Style Properties >> Messages >> Settings >> Message user info elements: Custom fields, and add it. Now it will be in the user pane. (<------ over there on the left ;))
No prob. To do this you will just want to disable the custom user titles built in and not use them, or use the title ladder (Member, Regular, etc.) and this will be your custom box. It may take some moderation since they will be able to use the full editor.

Sure tag me later.
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