Is knowing php enough to be able to code Xenforo add-ons?


Active member
Am i right in saying that:

- Knowing php is enough to be able to code add-ons
- A combination of building add-ons and using the in-built customisation options in Xenforo is enough to launch a full-customised site?
Am i right in saying that:

- Knowing php is enough to be able to code add-ons
- A combination of building add-ons and using the in-built customisation options in Xenforo is enough to launch a full-customised site?
This is pretty much saying "Knowing how to put legos together will get you a lego tower", but yes. XenForo is written in PHP.

You'll also need to know the basics of database administration to interact with the database, and HTML/CSS/JS to write front-end code.
If you can read and understand templates and are fairly good with php, that should be enough. The finder system is a good mysql bridge, templates contain everything you need to know about front-end stuff to get started and JS, well, that's bonus I'd say =D
Thanks for the quick replies guys - I've worked with intermediate html/css before, and am fine with a few other languages so hoping to be able to pick up Xen to a decent (read: still pretty basic) level quite quickly.

Is anyone interested in me paying for any hour or two of your time to get a crash course on the important concepts in Xenforo dev over Skype? Not fine-grain stuff, but more to get my head around what I need to learn and why - Can send Paypal first for a well-known member so you know I'm legit, drop me a private message if interested
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