Interview with Kier Darby at The Admin Zone

Completing the full set, The Admin Zone's Sandman has just published the third in his trio of interviews with the XenForo directors.

The Sandman said:
The third interview in our XenForo trilogy features Kier Darby, XenForo Developer and former Lead Developer and Product Manager of vBulletin. I'm truly blown away by the amount of time and effort Kier put into answering our questions considering he is currently working about 18 hours a day on XenForo.

Kier did an Interview with us a bit over 5 years ago which I strongly urge you to read before going on - it covers a lot of the usual TAZ interview type questions, and some of the answers Kier gave are all the more interesting in retrospect.

We would like to thank The Sandman for conducting and publishing these interviews.

Read the entire interview on The Admin Zone Forums:

Interview with Kier Darby - XenForo Developer

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