Internet Explorer 7 and Top Banner Image Trouble


Well-known member
I have an image with a height of 215 on my Xenforo forum ( When my users go visit with IE 7 the banner covers the upper breadcrumbs and soem of the tabs and is generally in the wrong place. Is there something I can do to fix this?
I don't have IE7 to be able to test this. It seems to be working fine in other browsers. I don't see anything obviously wrong in your source code. And I can't find any other reports of this in searching this forum.

Try to reproduce the problem on a default style. Create a new style with no parent and change only the title image:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Styles -> Create New Style

Then select that style on your forum. If the problem goes away when using the new style then you know it's a problem with your custom style.
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