Internet Brands claims against XenForo

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My most recent post on

"I've been of some help to a few here and many have helped me on the forums. I'm still learning. This action may go any of a number of ways. I don't care. What it has done for me is to break the sense of "community", what boards are all about, and expose IB as just another corporate Goliath. I'll still be around, because I still run a VB forum, but my heart and support will be with XenForo"!
Do me a favor please and delete any contributions I have submitted there (although they are probably very old and of no use to anyone anyway)...thank you.
What you and floris asked is just a nosense.
Penalize ib by penalizing it's customers? What a great idea!
What you and floris asked is just a nosense.
Penalize ib by penalizing it's customers? What a great idea!
Same thing i said to paul, the mod creators, including myself, don't want to contribute to such a, how shall i put it, bully.
Seems ive been given a promotion ;)

First of all I doubt that the modification community is about to collapse overnight - despite all the "troubles" of the last year, there has actually been very little effect on modification releases, updates and installs. Even so, Im not going to predict the effects of this action - other than the obvious one which I already stated, the effect it will have on Forum Administrators who use the mods - targetting them is poor and selfish IMO.

I can see and understand what you are saying, but any blame for coders dropping rests firmly with IB.
First of all I doubt that the modification community is about to collapse overnight - despite all the "troubles" of the last year, there has actually been very little effect on modification releases, updates and installs

All of last year's "troubles" combined doesn't even hold a candle to the **** IB will encounter for suing an honest competitor.

Even so, Im not going to predict the effects of this action - other than the obvious one which I already stated, the effect it will have on Forum Administrators who use the mods - targetting them is poor and selfish IMO.

Forum administrators who choose to continue using vBulletin, knowing full well how awful its creators are, don't deserve mods anyway.
Normally I'd agree with you but in this case you have to be cruel to be kind.

If I was a vB skinner I would have pulled my resources the second they tried this stunt. Resources are freely given time and effort by community members, the benefit of which is shared by the community members AND by the software company.. and the mere fact these people don't even recognise that show just how venal and self serving they are.
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