Install Font Awesome 5.3.1 icons and use it on your forum

Install Font Awesome 5.3.1 icons and use it on your forum


Well-known member
GERINO submitted a new resource:

Install Font Awesome 5.2.0 icons and use it on your forum - This tutorial allows you to use the Font Awesome 5.2.0 icons


Today I share with you a tutorial made by @SyTry to add the Font Awesome 5.2.0 Icons !

Tutoriel requested by @Niro ! ;)

In your template PAGE_CONTAINER find :

Add this after :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-hWVjflwFxL6sNzntih27bfxkr27PmbbK/iSvJ+a4+0owXq79v+lsFkW54bOGbiDQ" crossorigin="anonymous">


Read more about this resource...
There is no guarantee that 5.2.0 will be supported in 2.1, so this works as needed for the time being.
By using this:
- Would I be able to give a unique font awesome icon to any user? Regardless of their user group? (I have a premium user group, that I wish to have the members pick whatever FA icon they want.)
Yes, that's for a user group. But I need to be able to give users individual icons. For example user A of premium wants a beermug, user B wants a gamepad, etc.

I don't have the code but I know it looks like the ones available on the resource page. ;)

Regards, GERINO
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