XF 2.2 Insert new post before first in thread


I change the order in which posts are displayed in a thread by extending the class:
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Finder;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Repository;

namespace HT\ForumImplement\Repository;

class Thread extends XFCP_Thread
    public function getDefaultPostListSortOptionsRd(): array
        return [
        'post_date' => [
        ['position', 'DESC'],
        ['post_date', 'DESC'],
The display of posts in threads has met my wishes
However, when the user submits the add-reply, the post is displayed under the lastpost. After reloading the page, it shows up again according to my wishes ( ['position', 'DESC'], ['post_date', 'DESC'] )

How do I Insert new post before first in thread without having to reload thread

I solved the problem by copy and editing the message.js file
    // ################################## QUICK REPLY HANDLER ###########################################

    XF.QuickReply = XF.Element.newHandler({

        options: {
            messageContainer: '',
            ascending: false, //default is true
            submitHide: null
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