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Increase the size of the node window on the search page

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
If you find the node window on the search page a little small, you can easily increase it by editing the following templates:

Template: search_form

Look for:
Rich (BB code):
<li><select name="nodes[]" id="ctrl_nodes" size="7" multiple="multiple" class="textCtrl">
Replace with:
Rich (BB code):
<li><select name="nodes[]" id="ctrl_nodes" size="10" multiple="multiple" class="textCtrl">

Template: search_form_post

Look for:
Rich (BB code):
<li><select name="nodes[]" id="ctrl_nodes" size="7" multiple="multiple" class="textCtrl">
Replace with:
Rich (BB code):
<li><select name="nodes[]" id="ctrl_nodes" size="10" multiple="multiple" class="textCtrl">

The result is as follows:

Change the value in red to suit.
  • Like
Reactions: DBA
Much better, thanks Brogan!

FYI this changes the prefix window.

Template: search_form_post
Look for:
Rich (BB code):
<select name="prefixes[]" class="textCtrl" size="5" multiple="multiple" id="ctrl_prefixes">
Replace with:
Rich (BB code):
<select name="prefixes[]" class="textCtrl" size="8" multiple="multiple" id="ctrl_prefixes">
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