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Increase height in ACP (Filter List, Template Edit, and Node Tree)


Active member
Phases submitted a new resource:

Increase height in ACP (Filter List, Template Edit, and Node Tree) - Increase node tree list size, template editing box, filter list, etc.. in ACP

I'm not sure if this is out there already but I got frustrated, did this, and thought I might pass it on in case anyone else were interested. I've also never submitted a resource before but the section I was going to write this up in said the threads were populated from resources.

In Admin area, I got frustrated with the height of the node tree list, as well as the template edit box and the list of templates.

If you want to change these:

1. Edit library/config.php to include the...

Read more about this resource...
works fine under xF 1.3.0

And - in admin.css you can increase the max width of the admin pages so its just fine for code edits on large TFTs. :)
Anyone know why these types of changes aren't default? Why do we have to customize ACP from a size that only fits a 15 inch monitor in the first place????
... and: it works also with xenforo 1.4.5

Notice: when you use the add-on "Template Synthax" then you will need to change also the:

js/templatesyntax/templatesyntax.js line 34-37:
     * @type {int}    minimum editor height
    var minHeight = 300;

to the heigh you have entered in the ACP-Templates as bevore. Eg:
     * @type {int}    minimum editor height
    var minHeight = 600;

Then it works also with Template Synthax add-on enabled. (y)
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